The Kannada Rajyotsava celebrations, known as 'Naada Habba,' were organized on November 22nd, 2023, by the Department of Kannada in collaboration with the Kannada literary club, "Ankura." The campus radiated with vibrant hues of yellow and red, creating a festive ambiance. Esteemed Chief Guests, Ms. Reeshma Nanniah, Kannada actress and model, and Mr. Rajeev Hanu, Kannada Actor, CCL cricketer, and Bigg Boss Kannada Season 8 contestant, graced the occasion. Students showcased their talents, expressing love and respect for their state through cultural performances including diverse dance forms, songs, and skits. The captivating celebration left the audience spellbound, fostering a deep sense of pride for being part of Karnataka's rich and vibrant culture. The event concluded with a melodious rendition of the Naada Geete, adding a poignant touch to the festivities.